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Discover a remarkable collection of authentic, historic, and rare antique maps of Africa at MAPandMAPs. Experience the beauty and artistry of vintage maps from the 16th to the 20th century.
Africa Antique Old Prints, Fine Topographic Authentic old etchings, historical vintage views, rare prints of African town and cities.
We offer for sale only original antique print and maps.
Mapandmaps historical print collection.
Africa Islands, Antique Old Maps including Madagascar online for sale, all authentic old, historic antique and rare maps of the African Islands.
Mapandmaps historical map collection.
Discover an antique map of Cape Mesurado, Liberia, with a view of its harbor and the Saint Paul River. Engraved on copperplate with hand coloring, this Bellin map provides valuable historical insight. Worldwide free shipping available.
Discover the beauty of Oran and its surroundings with this antique map from 1764.
Old antique map of Cape Mesurado on the Liberian coast, named by Portuguese sailors in the 1560s.
An old antique map of the West Coast of Africa, specifically the Bay of Arguin off the coast of Mauritania.
Bay of Arguin, old antique map on the West Coast of Africa.
Antique map of Cape Coast Castle, Ghana. Created by Jacques Nicolas Bellin in 1750.
Antique map of Tunis Bay in Tunisia.Created by Charles Rollin engraved by I. Bafire.
Rivieres de Faleme et Sanaga original copperplate map of western Mali with the rivers Senegal and Niger.
Title: Coste D’Afrique Et Les Isles Comprifes Entre Le Cap Rouge Et La Riviere De Nunho.
Sanaga River Senegal Africa, The map shows the flow of the rivers in Senegal.
Title: Suite de la Coste de Guinee Depuis la Riviere de Volta...
Title: Carte De L’ Algerie Dresse d’apres les meilleurs Materiaux Par CHARLE. Paris, Maison Basset 1843.
Antique map of the Abyssinian Empire Africa.
Title: Carte Des Entrées De La Riviere De Scherbro Ou Cerbera.
Title : Vue de La Cote Pres de Rio San Andero ou de St. Andre.
Title: Partie de la coste de Guinée depuis le cap de Monte jusqu'au cap des Basses / tirée de Barbot.
Barbary Coast Algiers, antique old Nautical Chart.
Monastir (Monestier) Tunisia, Barbarie antique old Nautical Chart.
Gulf of Arzew Algeria, (Arzeou or Arzeni) antique old Nautical Chart.
Benghazi (Benhasi) Libya, antique old Nautical Chart.