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Old maps of Eastern Europe, Bulgaria, Poland, Latvia, Romania, Lithuania, Ukraine, all authentic rare History and Geography of Europe in antique maps.
Eastern Europe Antique Prints, old authentic views and rare town and city prints for sale.(Bulgaria, Poland, Latvia, Romania, Lithuania, Ukraine, etc.) made by the best Printmakers of the past centuries.
Russia from the White Sea to Lake Ilmen, from Moscow to Petrovsk.
Sebastapol Old antique map of the Siege of Sebastopol during the Crimean War.
16th century historical woodcut of Central / East Europe.
Title: Mer Noire Ou Mer Maieure Par N. Sanson.
Poland borders between 1572 and 1795, with 2 inset maps of France.
Birds eye view of the fortress of Tokay Hungary.
Title: Saxonia Superior, Cum Lusatia Et Misnia.
Russia old map including Finland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Poland.
Titel: La ville d'Eger, iadiz subiette a l'empire Romain, & aviourdhuy au royaulme de Boheme.
Fine hand colored woodcut of Armenia and Georgia.
A fine 1766 full hand colored map of Hungary and Provinces.
Title: Ungarn und seine Nebenlande nach ihrer kirchlichen Eintheilung bis in das XV Jahrhundert.