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Explore our collection of authentic and rare antique maps of the Mediterranean Sea. Discover nautical charts dating back centuries, depicting the rich history and unique location of the Mediterranean. Visit MAPandMAPs and immerse yourself in the beauty of these historical treasures.
Discover the beauty of Oran and its surroundings with this antique map from 1764.
Based on Ptolemaeus Claudius Candia map.
Greece Island Serigo with Port Sergio & Port S. Nicolas, on the mainland of Greece Port Rabino.
The map shows expeditions of Pyrrhus, King of Epirus, through Macedonia, Italy, and Sicily.
Title: L'Italie avec les provinces de Ceasar Une partie de la province de Pompee.
Title: British Possessions in the Mediterranean.
Possessions of Brittan in the 19th. Century.
Title: Deserta Aegypti, Thebaidis, Arabiae, Syriae, etc. ubi Accurate Notata sunt Loca Inhabita per Sanctos Patres Anachoretas.
Antique historical map of Italy, Sicily, Greece and the Mediterranean, showing the egendary voyage of Aeneas, a Trojan hero who escapes the fall of Troy.
Copper plate engraved 17th century map of Jijel Algeria, colored by hand and published in atlas "Description of Africa", 1668.