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Northern Europe Scandinavia Old Antique Maps & Town & Military Battle Plans for sale, authentic old, antique, and rare maps of Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Iceland and the Baltic countries Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania.
Mapandmaps historical map collection.
Denmark Fortification Langeland, battle fight between the Danish and Swedish army.
Denmark, Battle fight during the Dano-Swedish War
Köping (Västmanland) Sweden, Old antique bird eye view of the town.
Swedish Island Björkö / Birka island, bird's-eye view.
Denmark antique battle plan around the Little Belt strait during the Dano-Swedish War.
Title: Castellum ad Butzfliet - Castellum vulgo Kruckschanz ad Oppidum Elmeshoorn.
Title: Königl. Dänemarck Haupt Statt Coppenhagen wie solche von dem König in Sweden A 1658 den 13 Augusti Belägert
Praelium Navale inter Suecos et Danos 1644.
Title: Designatio Geometrica Veteris Urbis Troiae In Smalandia.
Title: Carte de la Maison du Roy, des Etats des Conseils et du Gouvernement Civil, Eclesiastique, et Militaire de Suede.
Titel: Wien. Muenchen. Berlin. Rom. Stockholm. Neapel. Amsterdam. Kopenhagen. Buessel. Florenz.