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France Old Maps, antique rare engraved topographic maps of the France history all authentic antiquarian regional country maps.
France old prints, rare antique prints for sale in our MapandMaps Print Gallery. All master pieces are authentic historic early France city prints of the Gaul History.
France Old Town and Battle plan maps, authentic old, antique, and rare maps of the History of France in original genuine Antiquarian and collectable condition for sale.
Mapandmaps historical map collection.
Antique map of Berri, Nivernois, Bourbonnois, Lyonois, Burgundy, Bresse, and Franche-Comte provinces in France.
Title: La France divisee Par Gouvenement genaraux Avec Privilege 1750.
France in Roman Empire, Old antique map of Roman Gaul.
Antique old plan of the fortifications of Calais France with annotations in a nice title cartouche.
Early old map of the Roman period in Europe.
Gallia Lugdunensis, a province of the Roman Empire and part of the "Three Gauls." This antique map, created by Philippe Briet in 1648, beautifully showcases the extent of this region from Lugdunum to Brittany and the Atlantic Ocean.
Old antique city plan in bird eye view of Lille France.
Early woodcut of Rubeaquum Rufach showing Château D'Isenbourg.
Title: La Franconie le cours du Maim une partir de celuy du Rhin.
Antique map of the Kingdom of Burgundy France.
Title: Dieppe Bombarde 1694.
Title: Partie Septentrionale du Comte de Bourgogne ou Franche-Comte...
Title: Gallia Narbonensis Lugdunensis Et Aquitania.
Carls-Bourg, ville nouvellement bastie par les Suedois, située en Allemagne dans le Duché de Breme...
Title: Die Reiche der Franken in Galien unter den Merovingern.