Title: Plan De Mayence Assiegee par l’Armee de l’Empereur commabdee...
Description: Late 17th century townplan of Mainz Germany, with fortifications and letter description about the most important buildings of the town.
Mapmaker: Nicholas de Fer (1646 – 1720) cartographer and colorist. The son of cartographer Antoine de Fer.
Nicholas was established as an engraver, cartographer and map publisher in Paris. Nicolas began his career with an apprenticeship to the engraver Louis Spirinx in Paris.
Size: Sheet app.: 34 x 25 cm. 13.5 x 9.75 inches. Image app.: 27.5 x 19 cm. 10.75 x 7.5 inches Condition: Very good, lined handmade paper, hand coloring, folds as published.