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Sainte-Sophie, Hagia Sophia Constantinople, print 1880
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Constantinople Sainte-Sophie Old print 1880.



Hagia Sophiawas built as a Constantinian Church.

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Constantinople Sainte-Sophie Old print 1880.

Title: Constantinople Sainte-Sophie

Hagia Sophiawas built as a Constantinian Church by the emperor Justinian I, between A.D. 532 and 537 and in its ancient time, it represented the largest covered space in the world.
It's architects were Isidore of Miletus and Anthemius of Tralles.

Antique old print, complete with passe-partout.

16th -17th -18th-19th Century maps & atlases & prints.
We sell guaranteed Absolutely Original authentic Maps and Prints.

Image app.: 20 x 12.5 cm. 7.75 x 5 inches.
Passe-partout app;32 x 24 cm. 12.25 x 8.75 inches.
Condition: Fine antique print, nice view, and clean condition.