Title: A New Map of England and Wales Divided into Countries Drown from the best Authorities.
Description: England and Wales and surrounded countries, detailled map with a decorative title cartouche and windrose.
Geographer: Rollos, George, London
Origin: Mortimer's Atlas London.
16th -17th -18th-19th Century maps & atlases & prints. ORIGINAL ANTIQUE MAPS, HAND COLORED. Guaranteed Absolutely Original authentic Maps and Prints. A Certificate of Authenticity ( COA ) will be supplied on request.
16th -17th -18th-19th Century maps & atlases & prints. We sell guaranteed Absolutely Original authentic Maps and Prints. A Certificate of Authenticity ( COA ) will be supplied on request.
Size app.: Sheet: 31 x 21.5 cm. 12.25 x 8.5 inches. Image: 29 x 19 cm. 11.25 x 7.5 inches. Condition: Nice map in good condition, folds as published.