Title: Signes Conventionnels pour l'Hydrographie et...
Antique 19e century map of the Symbols for Hydrography and Geology, with Compass rose and climate zones. The map is centered around the The Black Sea.
Author: Johann Georg Heck 1842
Publisher: Mallet et Cie, 9 rue de l'Abbaye in Paris
Origin: Atlas Geographique Astronomique Et Historique De L’histoire Ancienne Du Moyen Agret Moderne Etala Lecture Des Voyages Les Plus Recens Dresse Vapres Les Meilles Materiauxtant Francais Qu Estranges.
16th -17th -18th-19th Century maps & atlases & prints. We sell guaranteed Absolutely Original authentic Maps and Prints.
Size; Sheet app.: 37 x 28.5 cm. 14.5 x 11.25 inches. Image app.: 33.5 x 25.5 cm. 13.25 x 10 inches. Condition: View overall very good.