Title: Atlas National des 86 departments et des Possesions De La France…V. Levasseur … A. Combette editeur 1856.
Description: Atlas page of Atlas Levasseur by Amable Combette with vignettes of Clovis I King of France and Napoleon Bonaparte surrounded on all sides with elaborate illustrative borders.
Cartographer: Victor Levasseur. French cartographer known for his decorative maps.
Origin: Atlas Amable Combette
Origin: Atlas National Illustré, published Paris 1856 Atlas National Illustré printed about twenty times between 1842 and 1872 by three different Parisian publishers : Binet ( 1842-1844 ) , Amable Combette (from 1843 to 1858 , as shown on a random 15, rue La Parcheminerie ) , and after its bankruptcy Pelissier (1859 -1872 ).
16th -17th -18th-19th Century maps & atlases & prints. We sell guaranteed Absolutely Original authentic Maps and Prints. A Certificate of Authenticity ( COA ) will be supplied on request.
Size app.: Sheet: 18.75 x 14.25 inches. (48 x 36 cm.) Image: 16.25 x 11 inches. (42 x 29 cm.) Condition: Overall very good, verso Blanco